Current Issue

Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 8/31/24

Year: 2024

The aim of the Journal of Advanced Engineering Studies and Technologies is to create an innovative and unique scientific environment for the dissemination and expansion of science by bringing together scientists who are experts in the field of engineering in Turkey and presenting their scientific publications to relevant researchers.

Journal of Advanced Engineering Studies and Technologies is a peer-reviewed journal that includes scientists who are experts in their field and accepts research and review articles in all engineering fields in Turkish and English.

Article sections,
SUMMARY *The number of Turkish abstract and English abstract keywords should be at most 5 each. Abstracts should not exceed 1200 characters, including spaces.







It must be prepared with a Microsoft Office Word 2007 and above word processor. The article should be created in double columns in A4 page size with 1 cm spacing between columns, using 2 cm margins from the right and left edges, and 2.5 cm margins from the bottom and top edges. Line spacing should be set as 1.15 line spacing, one line space should be left between paragraphs and no automatic spacing should be left before or after the paragraphs, and this setting should be set to zero. It should be written in font size and should not exceed 20 pages. The text of the table should be above the table and the text of the figure should be below the table. Figures and tables that do not fit in a double column can be positioned as a single column at the top of the page. The equation number should be at the end of the equation line, and the equation word and equation number should be used when citing the equation in the text.

The plagiarism rate of the submitted work must be less than 30%. The bibliography section is not included in this rate.

The copyright transfer form must be uploaded to the system during the article submission phase. You can access the copyright transfer form here.

The article should be uploaded to the system in word format and should not contain author information in terms of article evaluation ethics. ORCID number information of the authors should be added to the system during article submission.

The similarity rate file should be scanned with iThenticate or Turnitin programs and the similarity report should be uploaded to the system.

Accepted studies are published free of charge on the DergiPark journal page.

The mission of the Journal of Advanced Engineering Studies and Technologies is based on the understanding of providing innovative and original content to science.

The scope of publication ethics; It is based on the whole code of ethics of the publisher, editors, reviewers and authors.

Publication Principles
1. Studies submitted to the Journal of Advanced Engineering Studies and Technologies; should be of the type of research or review article and include engineering and technology topics.

2. It should be written in Turkish or English, taking into account the spelling rules on the journal page.

3. Previously unpublished studies are accepted for evaluation. Studies that have been presented at conferences but not published in full text are also considered.

4. Studies sent through the DergiPark journal page are evaluated, and studies sent via e-mail are not evaluated.

5. The content and responsibility of the published works belong to the authors. Therefore, the copyright transfer form in the writing rules section, signed by all authors of the work, must be filled and uploaded to the system during the article submission phase.

6. No fee is paid by the journal for the transfer of copyright, and no fee is charged from the authors for any purpose.

7. The articles that pass the pre-check are sent to at least two referees who are experts in the field, and the evaluation process is started. If the referees have opposing views, another referee is appointed or the editorial opinion is taken.

8. For accepted studies, an acceptance letter can be sent if requested by the authors.

9. Authors are obliged to comply with the changes requested by the referees.

Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities

The journal is responsible for controlling and applying the publishing principles, editorial responsibilities, referee responsibilities, author responsibilities.

Publication ethics and open access policy, in line with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in open access (For example, “Code of Conduct for Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors; “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”) require that all components of the publication process comply with ethical principles.

Editors' Ethical Responsibilities

1. The study, which will not contradict the publication principles, has a high originality value, and has been prepared in accordance with the aims and rules of the journal, should be included in the evaluation process.

2. Provide guidance to referees by providing unethical information they request.

3. The referees to be selected for article evaluation should pay attention to the principles of impartiality and diversity by choosing at least 2 expert referees from different institutions in the relevant field based on the field of study.

4. Requests, suggestions and requests from the authors should be responded to as soon as possible.

5. Care should be taken that there is no conflict of interest or conflict between the referee and the author.

6. The authors of the studies sent to the referees with the blind refereeing application should keep their information confidential.

7. The journal should take into account the opinions and suggestions of the advisory board.

8. Protect human-animal rights for experimental studies on human-animal.

9. The decision about the article should be independent and irrelevant from the publisher-journal owner.

10. All works submitted and published in the journal must protect the intellectual property rights.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

1. He should evaluate the work sent to him for evaluation according to the principles of impartiality and confidentiality.

2. He should not use the work sent to him for evaluation for any purpose.

3. Political, nationality, religious belief etc. of the authors. should evaluate the study in accordance with science, without taking into account their views.

4. While preparing the evaluation report of the article, a constructive and polite style should be used. Defamatory, unscientific and immoral expressions should be avoided.

5. Evaluation should be done in a way that will increase the quality of the article and its contribution to science.

6. Only accept studies within his/her area of ​​expertise for evaluation.

7. He should evaluate the article accepted for evaluation on the basis of ethical rules within the time given to him.

8. Keep the information provided by the editor and the author confidential.

9. For experimental studies on human-animal, he/she should make an evaluation by considering human-animal rights.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

1. The submitted article must not have been sent anywhere else, accepted anywhere else, or published anywhere else.

2. The submitted article must be an original work, citations and references must be made in line with ethical principles for the information used from different sources.

3. For experimental studies on human-animal, he should get approval from the ethics committee and upload the approval file to the system with the sample.

4. If the article contains a study on an institution, the approval file of the relevant institution should be uploaded to the system together with the article.

5. For the use of scales, surveys, data and photographs belonging to institutions or individuals, they should indicate this in the article by obtaining permission from the relevant persons.

6. The names of people who did not contribute to the study should not be included in the study.

7. The names of the people and institutions that supported the study should be included in the acknowledgment section.

8. He/she should notify the journal management if he/she detects a significant deficiency or error in his/her published work.

9. If a revision decision has been made by the journal board, it should be revised in line with the referee-editor's decisions. In case of any inconsistency, it should be explained in an additional file and sent to the journal management.

Accepted studies are published free of charge on the DergiPark journal page.

There is no charge in all processes, from article acceptance to article publication in our journal.